EIO Insight Newsletter: Value of a HR Pro in Your Small Business

by | Jan 7, 2021

Value of HR Pro in Your Small Business
2020 was a challenging year to navigate the constantly changing policies and procedures to stay compliant and keep employees and customers safe amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

 The Value of Having a HR Professional in Your Small Business

2020 was a challenging year to navigate the constantly changing policies and procedures to stay compliant and keep employees and customers safe amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

As we continue to manage challenges and look to recover from the pandemic, having a knowledgeable HR professional on your side is more important than ever. From hiring and retaining employees, to ensuring Health and Safety compliance, to capitalizing on government programs and subsidies, there are many ways HR can help, letting you focus on running and growing your business!

How can EIO Solutions help YOU in 2021?

  • Hiring: On average, it takes 23 days to make a hire for a company. In this time, managers spend countless hours reading resumes and screening candidates. A dedicated EIO Expert will take this time-consuming task off your hands.
  • Employee Retention: The average turnover rate is 18%! Employees leave their companies due to poor on-boarding, mismanaged employee conflicts, lack of benefits, and communication issues. An EIO Experts can help implement and maintain HR policies and programs that build long lasting working relationships between themselves and their employers.
  • Health and Safety: 25% of workplace injuries occur from mishandling tools and equipment. An EIO Expert provides extensive training, policies, and procedures to keep your employees safe and keep the Ministry of Labour out of your company.
  • Benefits: About 69% of employees are more likely to stay at a company with a good benefits package, making them an important retention tool. EIO Benefits are versatile and optimized to your unique group, giving more employees more value for the same—or less—than you currently pay.
  • Payroll: The average annual payroll cost is about $2,000 per employee. An EIO Manager will help run new solutions to make the process more efficient and less error prone.

Have your revenues dropped due to COVID-19?

Many small businesses are struggling to stay afloat and cover their fixed costs, such as rent and insurance, while taking a negative impact on their revenues. Government assistance has emerged to help businesses pay for their rent, but many have had their fate put into the hands of their landlords to apply for the assistance. The new Canadian Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS) is being introduced to provide rent relief for businesses and allows these businesses to apply to the assistance directly as opposed to waiting for their landlords to do so.What is the CERS and how does it work for small businesses?

  • Rent and mortgage support available until June 2021 for qualifying organizations impacted by COVID-19
  • Funds go directly to the business, not the landlord
  • Can cover up to 65% percent of eligible expenses until December 19 2020
  • Businesses are able to make claims retroactively for the period that began September 27 and ends October 24, 2020
  • A top-up CERS of 25% for businesses temporarily shut down by a mandatory public health order issued by a qualifying public health authority—in addition to the 65% subsidy,—grants up to 90% of coverage for the hardest hit businesses!

Ready to have a strong start to 2021 and grow your business? Contact us for a free audit to determine how our EIO services can help you save money on employee costs and how you can reinvest into your business. Contact us now, to receive a complimentary COVID-19 Workplace Safety Plan template to help get compliant with government mandates!

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